What documentation do I need to bring my car to Cabo?

If you’re planning to drive your car down to Cabo (but not leave it there), here’s a quick summary of the rules and legal documentation requirements.

  • Assuming you enter Mexico with a Forma Migratoria Multiple (FMM) – a/k/a a Mexico tourist card – Baja California & Baja California Sur are “free zones” and do not require a Temporary Importation Permit (TIP) as you are ultimately coming back with your vehicle (including RVs!).

If you plan to store or leave your vehicle in Los Cabos, then here’s a summary of the TIP rules by vehicle type:

  • Cars and motorcycles being left in Baja do NOT need a TIP (if you keep your registration and license plates current)
  • Furthermore, if you own a home in México and plan leave your vehicles there then a TIP is NOT required (if the vehicle is not kept parked on a public street and also maintains current license plates and registration)
  • For motorhomes, RVs, or 5th wheels stored in Cabo, a TIP is required; you can apply for a 10-year TIP which will keep it legally stored if you maintain current registration and license plates.
  • Golf carts are required to have a TIP. This can be processed via a customs broker

Other helpful about bringing your car down to Los Cabos:

  • If you plan to drive your car into the mainland of Mexico, you are required to obtain a TIP for your vehicle
  • If you plan to leave your vehicle a marina or airport to travel within Mexico by boat or plane, you do NOT need to get a TIP (assuming you maintain current registration and license plates)
  • TIPs for vehicles and motorcycles remain valid for a period equal to the duration of your FMM (180 days)
  • Boats and RVs can receive a TIP valid for 10 years
  • An individual can only have one TIP per vehicle category – for example, you can obtain a TIP for your car and another for a RV; however, you cannot have TIPs for two car

Questions?  Contact us – we’d love to chat.

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